Friends Help in the Quest...

When you need to find fairies, what better way than getting your friends to help? So during my Lavinia Stamps Workshop last weekend we came prepared to seek out fairies! 

Our quest too us to the edge of a beautiful spring-time forest.  Full of blossom  bright sunshine, and flowers, we walked straight in...  you know, fairies love friendship, songs, laughter and love... our party of intrepid explorers have all of this in abundance! We sang sparkling words of  Peace, Love and Prosperity, of Dreams and Delights  and of course the belief of Magic


As we walked through this enchanted place we came across a beautiful lake, the colour of which we hadn't seen before.  The water was crystal clear, and right there we could see a beautiful mermaid, shimmering as the sun shone through the water.  The weed in the lake swayed slowly.  The mermaid told us of dreams, skies and oceans, her voice was so very soft! As we looked around we noticed that a few fairies had come to see what all the fuss was about!  We saw them in the dandelionsgrass, and even floating down from the trees! Looks like the quest wasn't a waste of time at all! 



It had been such a wonderful day, we didn't want to leave, but like they say "all good things..." and all that!  We took our leave from our new friends and made our way back out of the forest.  The light was faiding and the bright colours softened to subtle hues as our Wishful fairy led us back out of the Enchanted Forest. Up in the leaves of the very last tree sat the beautiful Tree Godess herself, Luna.  Luna sang of the fairy land, of their busy day and whispered love and sweet Dreams


With happy hearts we left that place, full of love, hope and friendship... it was a magical day, and one we shall do again... why not come and join us in our next quest to visit the fairies? 

We look forward to sharing our magical journey with you, meeting fairies and friends of the forest (ah, but that's another story!)

Love, wished and fairy kisses... until next time! 

Mandy and Friends xxx


  1. Such a magical journey, I'd buy your book Amanda xxx

  2. It was such a special journey, thank you for taking me, we laughed and played with the Fairies, they are such a happy magical bunch, it was pure delight, but..... don't tell anyone, I came home with a couple of the Fairies, they live with me now, is that allowed, they are still giggling............ //(*_*)\\ xxxxxx

    1. she whistles! some might have come back with me too... I've seen um riding around on Miss P's back!

  3. It was such a magical day and such a delight to see the fairies playing happily. We had such a fun day with lots after giggles and I would definitely go on that journey again with my special friends. xxxx

    1. And you would be so very welcome I'm sure xx I think I saw a couple of fairies jumping into your bag too... have they been harassing Pudding?

  4. Such a lovely story . My fairies are out in the garden amongst the flowers whispering softly "grow " . And then when it gets dark they go into their little house and the light shines dimly .


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